Jack: He is quite the poser. When asked to get a picture I either get this pose or a big fat no.
Funny things he says.
"How time are we going to...?" Instead of "what time?" Ryan tries to correct him but I think it is too cute and let him continue saying it.
When asked who is girlfriend is his response is "Which one?" I am a little concerned about this since he is only six.
Jay: He also loves to take pictures.
Funny things he says
"Can I have real food now." Said after he has
had three bites of dinner (that is all we can get him to eat and actually he usually goes to bed hungry because he doesn't eat). Real food to him is cottage cheese, hot dogs, and bread and butter.
"There was a HORRIBLE KID there." This was said after one of Jack's tee ball games. What other three year old calls a kid horrible?
"Maybe there was a bee in the
chapstick." This was said after Jack was complaining that the
chapstick stung his lips.
"Yea, well you poop your pants." Said to tease Jack.
Kate: She doesn't say much but she is a handful. I love this picture and for the record the Pepsi can is not opened but she sure wishes it was. Today,while swimming, me and two other women watched Kate walk straight into the water. We all thought she would stop at the edge but no she wanted in and she went in. This summer should be interesting.
I am truly blessed to stay home with these three wonderful children. Some days I struggle with feelings of not contributing financially to the family. But today at the temple I was talking with a worker and she reminded me that I am doing the most important job right now. It was a great reminder of how blessed I am to have three wonderful children and a great husband.