Saturday, January 30, 2010
Another 1/2 marathon
I did it. I don't know why but I ran another 1/2 marathon. This will be my last for awhile. I wanted to die out there on the course. I cramped up and wanted to call it quits. The problem with that is that there is only one way to call it quits and that is to finish. So after walking a little bit I decided to start running so I could get done. Then I was tired so I would walk again. It is a vicious cycle. The more you walk the slower the run goes and you can never finish. I did finish although not as fast as I would have liked. I wanted to beat my last time but I didn't, I finished in 2:17:40, much slower than the last one. But it is over and my body is not dead and I am happy I finished it.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Kids, Where do they come from?
Ok, I know where kids come from but I often wonder where do they get the things they say and do.
Later that week we were at a church meeting and ASU was playing U of A. We will not say who won. Anyway I get a message from Jack in his cute little voice saying, "Mom, ASU is up 20 to 10." I had told him to text me the score. Of course he doesn't have a cell phone so he did the next best thing and left me a voice mail. Love it.
Jay: Jay was not making very good choices one day. He was being more ornery than usual. So I asked him, "Jay, why are you making bad choices?" His reply was priceless " Because my head is not screwed on straight." We now have to make sure his head is on straight at the beginning of each day so he will make good choices.
I love listening to my kids and watching them learn and grow.
Jack: He was saying the blessing on the food and in his prayer he said,"please bless the people who were hurt by the flood", and then the next sentence he says," and thank you for the rain can we have more." I guess they listen to you more than I realized. Although we hadn't prayed for the people affected by all the flooding here in Arizona before, we do now. He is such a sweet boy and has such a sweet heart.Later that week we were at a church meeting and ASU was playing U of A. We will not say who won. Anyway I get a message from Jack in his cute little voice saying, "Mom, ASU is up 20 to 10." I had told him to text me the score. Of course he doesn't have a cell phone so he did the next best thing and left me a voice mail. Love it.
Jay: Jay was not making very good choices one day. He was being more ornery than usual. So I asked him, "Jay, why are you making bad choices?" His reply was priceless " Because my head is not screwed on straight." We now have to make sure his head is on straight at the beginning of each day so he will make good choices.
I love listening to my kids and watching them learn and grow.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Here are some favorite things in no particular order.
Sunshine: Everyday Jay and I go outside while Kate is sleeping and lay on a blanket. I usually read a book or nap a little and Jay plays his Nintendo DS. Sometimes I try to be a good mom and I will read to Jay or play a game with him. It is so wonderful to feel the sun on my face and I love to just lay there and soak it up. I call it my vitamin D fix. I need it.Watching my kids sleep: There is something about knowing that my kids are okay and safe that just makes me smile. I love seeing how they have moved in their beds, listening to them snore and watching them breath. I am blessed to have such great kids and I really love them at night when they are sound asleep. :)
Great neighbors: I have one neighbor who took Jack home a few times when the car pool was messed up. She just saw him walking home from school and took him home. I have another neighbor who has Jay come and play at her house because she knows Jack has been sick and we have been stuck at home. So to give me and Jay a break she has him come to her house to play. Another neighbor gave us a fake Christmas tree because he wasn't using it anymore. There are too many other things to list. I love where I live.
Being able to substitute teach: I love that I get a call to go and teach and that I am able to do it. I love that Karrie and I have worked out babysitting. I love getting out of my house a few times because it reminds me how lucky I am to be able to stay at home. I am glad I can stay home with my kids.
I am truly blessed and grateful for all that I have.
Friday, January 8, 2010
A good book

The Shack
My SIL Rachelle suggested this book and I am glad I read it. I love to read but it is hard for me because if I get a good book I ignore my family until it is done. I tried not to do that this time and I was still able to get the book done.
If you can get past the first few chapters when the daughter gets kidnapped and killed then the rest of the book is great. The premise is a man is angry with God for what happened to his daughter so God sends him a note to meet him at the shack to talk. There are some really good points made in the book, but some things I don't totally agree on. So if you are looking for a good read I would suggest this book.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
3 month supply
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year to one and all. We had a great 2009 and so far 2010 is wonderful. We spent some time in Show Low enjoying the cold and snow, if that is possible. I love living in Mesa because I got to come home and not freeze.
I hope everyone is enjoying the New Year and is able to keep all of their resolutions. I know I have been able to not cook dinner for two weeks. I am a mooch and others have cooked for me. It was wonderful. I do have other resolutions and hopefully I can stick with them. I am always more motivated in the beginning of the year. So we will see how the year goes.
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