I also think about how he was able to seal Ryan and me in the temple. He had to get special permission from the church to do it since he was no longer a sealer when I got married. I am so glad he did. I don't remember anything advice but I remember being grateful that my grandpa was the sealer. I also appreciate the example he was to me. He loved the temple and was not afraid to admit it. I remember my dad telling me how sad grandpa was when he could no longer physically work in the temple. He enjoyed going and working in the temple.
Last night after he passed away I went to his house and I was reminded again of my great family. It is a legacy from him. Many cousins were there and we were able to talk and share memories. We joked that there was a baseball game on and how it wouldn't be the Goodman's without one. I have a great family and I can thank my grandparents for that.
I know my grandma is sad and so I am, but last night all I could think about was the great reunion that my grandpa had with his mom and dad and 11 brothers and sisters. I know I will see him again and appreciate the lessons in life that he taught me.
B. Harry Goodman 11-11-1915 to 7-27-2011