Ryan's race, he went up to Oregon to run a relay race that started at the top of Mt. Hood and ended at the coast hence the name Hood to Coast. He had fun and their team did well. I think 106 out of 1000 teams. Not bad. Ryan says the best part of the trip was going to Nike Town. Ryan and the team were able to go to the Nike employee store and into the Nike employee complex. Ryan said it was amazing and he was like a kid in a candy store. He would call me and ask what I needed and what the kids needed. Ryan didn't spend too much money but he really had to control himself everything was half off. I told Ryan next year I am going even if wives are not invited like this year. Too bad I want to go to Oregon.

Hey! We were just in Oregon this weekend we were there for a friend's wedding. I had really planned on running while I was up there...instead I just binged on wedding cake. Oh well.