Monday, October 12, 2009


I love this little girl. This picture cracks me up because she really wasn't crying that hard when I put her down for a nap just fussing a little bit. When I went to check on her this is what I found. I am always amazed at how kids can sleep anywhere and anyhow.
Kate is also the sweetest little girl I know. The other night at the football game during the National Anthem she put her hand over her heart. Granted it was the left hand and not the right but it was too cute. She really is a great girl and I am so happy to have her. She is going to give me a run for the money when she gets older. Can I just keep her little forever?

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute girl. It's neat how we both have two boys and a baby girl. Our Katy is an angel also. So fun to keep up with you guys.
