My newest niece, Hadlie Taylor Goodman. Congrats Joe and Cassie on a beautiful baby girl.
Born: May 24, 2010 weighing 7 pounds.
After dinner last night Ryan and I were talking and Jay was playing some basketball. As we were listening to Jay we noticed he was saying the apostles names as he was shooting. I broke out the video camera and got it. If you listen closely he really only says four names. President Monson, who is number one, Boyd K. Packer, who is number 10, David A. Bednar, and his favorite, Dallin H. Chokes or Oaks as he is more commonly know. Now I know you are thinking that I am a great parent who teaches her children the apostles and prophets names and I wish I were that parent but I am not. Jay just has a knack for remembering names and faces and things so he knows all of the first presidency and apostles names just from doing the matching game on the Friend website. Of course now that I know he knows them I quiz him and show him off so I look good but I cannot take credit for him knowing them. He did it all on his own and then plays basketball as he says their names.