"I cannot go to school today,"Said little Jack Ricedorff,"I have the measles and the mumps,A gash, a rash, and purple bumps.....................--what?What's that? What's that you say?You say today is---Saturday?G'bye, I'm going out to play!"
This is what I thought Jack was doing on Wednesday morning when he woke up after going to bed around 10:30 the night before. He kept telling me he was not feeling good and that he was sore from riding his scooter at the softball games the night before. I was trying to be patient so I let him stay home thinking he will go to school a little late after he gets some rest. Well the day wore on and I was being lazy, it's work to get my child motivated to go to school, so I just let Jack stay home. It is a good thing I did because he was sick and got sicker as the day went on. Here are the pictures to prove it and Yes, he is asleep on the toilet, after I got the picture I helped him into bed.

This is also a note he wrote about being sick in bed. I will translate.
I am sick in bed I hope I get bedr (better) Thursday if I bon't (don't) I will mise (miss) fothr (father) and suns (sons) I whish (wish) I cold (could) get bedr (better) oh and I get my chofes (trophy) why do I av (have) to de (be) sick?
The amazing thing is it only lasted one day. Jack fell asleep on the toilet around 4:30 or so and slept all night. When he woke up Thursday morning I asked how he was feeling and he said good I want to go to school so off he went and all was good.
Oh bless his heart. But I think he's gonna kill you when he's older if you show anyone the pic of him on the pot. It's hilarious but so sad at the same time.