This is my Kate and she does and says so many funny things that I have to blog about so I have a journal of it. I have been writing down things for awhile and I am just now getting to blog about her.
First of all she is all girl. She wears a dress and twirls in it every chance she gets. It makes me laugh. She will dance around and act so girly. Yet, she wants to play ball, tag, and do anything else her older brothers are doing. So when I see this I think there is hope and she won't be too much of a girly girl and that she may want to play sports too.
The picture that looks life a black eye is actually Kate putting on make-up. She loves the stuff and everyday when I get ready she is right there with me getting ready too. I only hope she gets better at applying the make-up, but probably not since she is my daughter and I am not good at make-up.
Kate also thinks she needs to wear boys underwear. I was hoping when Kate was putting on Jay's underwear that she might want to be potty trained. No such luck she just wanted to dress up.
Kate loves her pacifier. I posted earlier that we were getting rid of it and we have succeeded in keeping it from her until night time. For one week she didn't have it and slept horribly. One night we gave it to her and she slept through the night. Since then she gets it at night only. But before we took it away we were trying to have her have it only in the car or when she was sleeping. So I would find Kate throughout the day going into her room getting her pacifier and laying down on Jay's bed. I called it her paci fix and she needed it.
Kate loves to play on the computer. Her favorite is to color a picture of the prophet on the Friend website. So periodically throughout the day Kate will yell, and I mean yell, PROPHET. I would then be expected to drop everything and set up the computer for her to color. A friend finally told me to print the picture out and that has made it a lot better. But really who can turn down a two year old yelling PROPHET?
Kate also has favorites. Well really one favorite and it is anything pink. She will get whatever it is and hold it to her chest well saying "my favorite" and rocking back and forth. It really is too cute.
Kate and I also play a game of who is the cutest. When I need my ego stroked I will tell Kate she is cute. Her response it "no, mommy cute." I will then say "no, Kate cute." Then she responds "no, mommy cute." This game can go on for awhile and I always feel good about myself after. Kate will also pat my back when I pick her up. I love getting hugs from her cause she squeezes so hard and pats my back at the same time. It is great.
Also one day I was putting her down for a nap only to discover she had Cheetos in her pocket. I guess it is that third child thing and needing to hoard food because the older kids take it.
This story is my favorite and it came from a woman in my ward. In sacrament meeting Kate way laying on her tummy, knees bent and leaning on her elbows with the scriptures open (upside down but still open) in front of her. She was turning the pages as carefully as her little fingers would let her. Then when she came to a page with highlighted verses she would touch them before turning another page. My friend and her daughter couldn't get enough of this and I am so glad she emailed me the story. I had no idea she was doing this since Kate was in the aisle and I was sitting next to Ryan. Ryan was annoyed that Kate had taken everything out of his scriptures and wasn't really paying attention. But when I read this story it made me smile.
I love Kate and love all of the silly, fun, sweet things she does.
I love that girl and her walks - the stomp when she's on a mission, and the swaying her butt walk with her hand to her ear when she knows she's hot stuff.
ReplyDeleteI loved hearing all those stories about her. She is precious!
ReplyDeletewhat a sweet sweet little lady. I love these detailed posts. What a sweet little tribute to your girl.