Sunday, August 29, 2010

Single motherhood and Jayisms

For the past week Ryan had to go to North Carolina and Virginia on a business trip. Ryan has never had a job that required travel and I was not happy. I have been spoiled for my married life with a husband who works a 9-5 job and is home at night and on the weekends. I like this. So for a week I was a single mom. I did not like it. On top of being alone I also took two sub jobs. Yes, I know most people work full time but again I am spoiled and I don't. It was so hard to get things done, put the kids to bed, shower them, feed them, get homework done, and all of the other things that I had to do by myself. My good friend said it best. I was living some one's reality and it was a nightmare for me. This week really made me appreciate Ryan and all that he does. In "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" it states that "husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and their children." I know that is true. For me and Ryan it truly takes both a husband and a wife to raise our family and teach our children. I am grateful to Ryan and all he does for my family and me.

Now for some Jayisms. One is probably not appropriate but it is too funny not to post so I am going to.
First off one day last week I was taking the kids to get ice cream and they were crying about only get one scoop. So I said if you continue to cry and whine you will get no ice cream so be happy with one scoop. Jay replies with "so, I will just have an empty cone." Sometimes his arguments are just too logical.
Now for the inappropriate one. Stop reading if you are easily offended. I warned you.
One morning Jay would not wake up. He does this on occasion pretends to sleep so I have to carry him and dress him while he "sleeps." So I was doing this and took off his pajama shirt put on his school shirt and then went to take off his pajama pants only to realize he had no underwear on. Which is sad to say is not unusual for Jay, I guess he prefers to go commando. Anyway back to the story. I proceed to take his pants off only to be surprised with something sticking straight up. Now if you have boys and it's morning, a body part often sticks up in the morning. But I was surprised and so was Kate because she pointed at it and said "huhh." Needless to say I quickly got him dressed and tried my best to not make a big deal out of it and not laugh too hard. See not too inappropriate it was just too funny seeing Kate's reaction and Jay's non reaction. I love my kids!!!


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm so offended. Your boy is one of a kind. Funny stories.

  2. this is was pretty funny. glad you got to appreciate ryan just a bit more. And i miss you, hope training is going good.
