-He loves his children. Jay made this tie for him on Father's Day and Ryan wore it to church. If wearing it wasn't bad enough he was then asked to pass the sacrament. The ward elected him father of the year for it. I agree he is a great dad.
-He loves football. I am always amazed to listen to Ryan and his brother Randy talk football. I think I know the game and then I listen to them and I have no idea what they are talking about. It is like a different language and Ryan is in his element. I actually do enjoy listening and learning from him. Maybe someday I will learn the foreign language of football but until then I will just listen to Ryan and Randy and pretend like I know what is going on.
-He loves the gospel and honors his priesthood. I love listening to Ryan bear his testimony to our family at family home evening. I know I learn from him and I am sure our children are learning too even though it is hard to tell sometimes.
-He gets scared. We went to a haunted corn maze in Snowflake over the weekend and Ryan was so scared. He held onto Rachelle's jacket and my hand the entire time, except when he took off running which caused him to trip. I am sure the maze was scary but I was too busy laughing at Ryan to be scared. I love that he gets scared because then I have an excuse other than being scared myself to not see scary movies. I can just blame it all on Ryan.
-He works hard. I am truly blessed to stay at home with my children. Ryan is willing to support us and he does a fine job of it.
-He has many friends. He still has his friends from high school, his friends he runs with, his friends at work, his friends at church, and so many more. I love that he can make friends so easily.
There are so many more great things about my husband I am so glad I got to marry him.
Happy Birthday Ryan!!!!!
Great Shout out. Happy Birthday, Ryan!