Jay's kindergarten performance was so dang cute. Jason and Shelley managed to get us front row seats so we could see all of the action. Jay knew all of the songs which were: Rudolph, Jingle Bells, Dradle, Up on the Housetop, and his favorite "We Fish you a Hairy Chrismoose and a Hippo New Year." Which the kids all sang after "We wish you a Merry Christmas." I love the age that Jay is at. He wants to be big sometimes but still gets so excited about things like singing in front of all the parents. Jay is such a great student and Mrs. Burton loves him almost as much as me.
I love the shirts that all the kindergartners wore. It will be a keeper forever.

Dyan, Ryan, Kate, Jack, Jay, Kaden, Shelley, Tessa, Jason, and Rolana
Jay and Kaden

Jay with Mrs. Burton the best kindergarten teacher out there.

Those are cute shirts, save for a quilt :)