Saturday, January 22, 2011

Good Reads

A few good books I have read lately.

"These is my words: the diary of Sarah Agnes Prine 1881-1901" by Nancy E. Turner
This book has been my favorite so far this year. It is a fictional account of a woman who lived in the Arizona Territory from 1881 to 1901. I loved how it was written as a journal. It made it easy to stop and put down because the entries were fairly short. I also have a greater appreciation for living now, with all of our modern amenities. As I was reading it I thought of my own grandmas who grew up in Arizona and what life was like for them. I know my grandmas did not live in Arizona before it became a state yet they lived in small towns and how to do a lot for themselves. I especially thought of my Grandma Taylor because in the book Sarah writes how her neighbors speak Mexican, not Spanish. My own Grandma Taylor use to say this all the time. I just laughed to myself and kept reading. In the book Sarah writes how she has to deal with rattlesnakes, scorpions, tarantulas, and so much more. Again I am grateful I only have to deal with scorpions, which is bad enough.
"Sarah's Quilt" and "Star Garden" by Nancy E. Turner
These two books are a continuation of Sarah Agnes Prine's diary. I didn't enjoy them as much but I liked how it kept the story alive. In "Star Garden" Sarah writes about rain and how for most people rain is a dreary thing but here in Arizona it is an answer to prayers. I thought even now that is true. I can't even begin to tell you the number of times I have prayed for rain and the number of times I have been grateful for it. These are good books but "These is my words" is by far the best of the three.
"The Help" by Kathryn Stockett
I really enjoyed this book. It is set in Mississippi in 1961-1964 the height of the Civil Rights movement. I loved the characters that are in the book. I really felt like I was there. The story is about two black women and one white woman. The white woman wants to write a book about what it is like to be a black housekeeper. Of course they have to keep it secret because it is not a good time to be helping each other out. But the book really brings out how alike people are. Of course we have differences yet we all want to same things in life. I really enjoyed this book.
If anyone has anymore suggestions for books I would love to hear them. I am always on the look out for great books.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED THOSE BOOKS TOO DYAN! I kept looking for the "Goodman" name to pop up in Sarah's story!! "The Help" was my choice for our book club over a year ago and everyone loved it!!
    Then I chose "Peace Like a River" in Dec. You'd like that one too! We just finished "Half Broke Horses"...I think the 1st one of those was "Glass Castles" but I haven't read that yet...they read it a few years ago before I was in the group...but I have loved everyone of the books that these girls recommend...since you are a reader you have probably read most of them but they are good ones!!! Tami Allred is a reader...she has a huge listing of her favorite reads on her blog sidebar...then you can click on it and read her are invited to our bookclub if you'd like...we need some more young blood!!!!
