A few weeks ago Joe called and wanted to hike Flat Iron on President's Day. Of course I said yes, but really I was thinking we'll see. It depends on Ryan's work schedule, babysitters, and a million other things. Well, the million things worked out so at 6:45 am Joe and Cassie were picking me up to go hiking. After getting Karrie and Jake we headed east to our destination. When we got there and I looked up I thought how in the heck do we get to the top (our destination was the part that looks like the front of the Titanic or an iron). Joe's response was "there are no switchbacks, it is just straight up." He wasn't kidding. We actually climbed the mountain and then come up from the behind the iron. I think my back, shoulders, and arms hurt worse than my legs. It was a great reminder that I am able to do hard things. When I start to beat myself up over what I ate or how my body looks I remember that I am able to do hard things. It was a great time full of laughter and jokes. In fact at one point Joe said we were about 19 minutes from the top, about an hour later I think we were there. But we made it nonetheless and I hope Joe plans more hikes like this.

All of us at the top, Jake, Karrie, me, Cassie, and Joe

The picture below is why I live in Arizona. I love that there is a desert with snow in the background. It was so clear fron the recent rain and breathtaking.

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