Spring Break Thursday took us from Prescott Valley to Williams then onto the Grand Canyon. Ryan and I had talked about going to Bearizona with the kids but we weren't sure if we should. I am very happy we did. It was more than I expected. We got there just as the bird show was starting so we watched that and learned all about falcons, hawks, and owls. The birds flew right over our heads and I swear I even got hit by one. It was cool. Then we walked around the zoo part of the park and saw wolves and the bears. The animals were so active. The bears were all climbing the trees and fighting and totally showing off and the wolves woke up and started howling. I was amazed at how active the animals were. Once we were done walking we got in our car and drove through the park. There was more bears, wolves but also bison, mountain goats and bighorn sheep. Again the animals were active and very fun to watch. My kids loved it and wanted to go back.

Jay and Jack watching the bears. We watched them along time, they were so much fun to watch.
Kate, Jay and Jack watching and listening to the wolves.
Kate, Jack and Jay stealing the bear's honey.
Once we left Bearizona we headed to the Grand Canyon. I have been to the Grand Canyon a few times but when I get done hiking on the South Rim I never look back into the Canyon so I was amazed when I could see Indian Gardens from the top. Indian Gardens is 4.5 miles down and when you are hiking out of the canyon it is a long 4.5 miles to get out but from the top it didn't seem too far. We hiked down to the first sign that says "do not attempt to go to the river and back in one day." So many people do this I always laugh when I read the signs. My kids loved the Canyon and I told them when they are 12 I will hike rim to rim with them. They seemed to be on board with that.
Sitting at the top of the canyon with my family.

We met up with my cousin Kelli and her family at the Grand Canyon. I hiked the Canyon last year with Kelli and her husband Ryan so it was fun to meet up with them and enjoy the Canyon when we weren't so sore.
Kate, Rowen, Jay, Easton, Jack, Afton, and Barrett

When we were heading back to the car we saw all these deer. There were a bunch and they just hung out and ate the grass. We stayed around and watched them for awhile and my kids thought it was so cool. As we were driving out of the park we saw about five elk off the side of the road so my kids were very happy with all the animals we saw that day.
We sure enjoyed hanging out with your fam at the GC, Dyan! Hopefully I'll get to blogging this weekend and post our pics. We ended up staying for most of Friday too and had such a cool experience there. We explored so much more of the south rim - it is amazing! Ry and I decided to go back in early May and do the South Kaibab to Bright Angel trail (16.5 miles total) as I have the GC itch right now. We are either going 5/4-5/5 or the following weekend I think. Just saying...in case you have the itch too!