Easter was great this year. On Saturday we celebrated with the Ricedorffs at Grandma Chicken's (Adams) house. My kids love it over there. They play outside and jump on the tramp and get money. Grandpa Chicken (Adams) gave each of the grand kids $20 and had an egg roll where Jay won $20. Needless to say the kids had a blast. On Sunday we woke up early and the kids found the Easter eggs and got lots of loot in their Easter Baskets. Jack and Jay tried to find Easter eggs at 2:30 in the morning but Ryan put a stop to that. The boys woke up and were ready to go. They said they would have gone back to sleep after they found the eggs but we didn't risk it and send them back to bed. After church, which was fabulous, I love hearing other people bear their testimony of Christ and the Resurrection. It really helps me out and I learn lots from others. We went to my parents and had a blast eating and hanging out. The kids got more candy and loved playing with their cousins. Overall it was a great Easter.
Tessa, Callie and Kate posing with their flowers
Ryan with Kate and Callie. They were so much fun to watch and loved finding eggs.
Rosanna, Rachelle and Kate dying Easter eggs.
Jay and Jack dying Easter eggs. I went to take the picture and Jay says "wait, make it look like we aren't looking and focusing on our eggs."
Jack, Jay and Kate all ready to look for the eggs and to see what the Easter bunny brought.
Jack, Jay and Kate all ready for church. They are so handsome and beautiful.
The Goodman Grand kids who were at Easter. Kyley, Taylor, Ryan, Jay, Ty, Wyatt, Kate, Keelie, Jack, Hadlie, and Austin front and center. I love hanging out with my family.
My own family on Easter night. I love that I Ryan and I were sealed in the temple and I know that families really are forever and I will be with the guys for eternity.
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