Saturday, December 26, 2009
Goal met
I met my goal. I did not make dinner for the entire week. Unless you count the soup for Christmas dinner. But I was not the only one making soup so I did not count it. I wonder if I can go two weeks without cooking.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
My goal for this week December 21-26 is to not cook dinner. So far I have not on Monday and I will not today (Tuesday). I just got to get through Wednesday and I should be good. I have plans on Christmas Eve and Christmas that include dinner and on the day after Christmas. Any suggestions on Wednesday. I wonder what my parents are having?
Monday, December 21, 2009
At our ward Christmas party Santa came to visit. We have a professional photographer in our ward, Chris Halloran, so the pictures were fabulous. I think the boys look great but Kate wanted nothing to do with Santa. She wasn't scared but she was not happy. How can someone so small and sweet be so ornery at the same time?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I have a love hate relationship with running. Mostly I hate it. But I love to be done with my runs and the feeling I feel afterwards. Right now I am getting ready to run 8-9 miles. Ryan signed me up for another half marathon. He says he is going to run it with me. We will see. I guess the reason I run though is to get me out of the Grand Canyon. I am doing it again so I need to start the training now. Yikes!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I can't believe he is seven. I swear it was yesterday that I was driving to the hospital and we saw my sister and she asked jokingly where are you headed. Jack was a scheduled c-section so we knew when he was going to be born and we knew he was a boy. But we were sure surprised when he had a ton of black hair. Everyone who came to the hospital would comb his hair. His hair was never combed the same. It was fun to watch people do it. Jack is great. When he is trying new things he is a little unsure of himself but once he figures out how do so something then he takes off and there is no stopping him. He was like this as a baby and he still is like this. He isn't scared just not sure how to proceed. But he tries and figures it out and then never stops. Jack is a great helper and cuddler. He loves more than anything to lay in my bed and have me hold him, even at seven. I still let him do this because I am not ready for him to grow up. I am grateful to have him as my son and I hope he continues to grow and learn.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Show Low Football
Show Low High School Football team made it to the 3A Arizona High School State Championship Football Game. The game was played at the Walkup Skydome at NAU in Flagstaff. Unfortunalely Show Low lost to Blue Ridge but we were trying to focus on the fact that they played longer than the other teams they beat and that the other teams would have loved to have been in Show Low's position, still playing ball. But it still was not fun to see Rathen and Randy sad and disappointed.
After the game which was inside we walked out to snow falling. The boys were so excited, especially Jack. Kate did not like it and wanted nothing to do with the snow and cold. We all went back to our hotel and a mean snowball fight broke out. Notice I am taking these pictures from the safety of the balcony. We were not prepared for the snow but Jack didn't seem to mind. He jumped right in and had a ball. I love Arizona for this reason. We were about 2 1/2 hours away from Mesa and it was snowing. It is so great to be able to have a variety of climates so close.
We had a great weekend with family and friends.

After the game which was inside we walked out to snow falling. The boys were so excited, especially Jack. Kate did not like it and wanted nothing to do with the snow and cold. We all went back to our hotel and a mean snowball fight broke out. Notice I am taking these pictures from the safety of the balcony. We were not prepared for the snow but Jack didn't seem to mind. He jumped right in and had a ball. I love Arizona for this reason. We were about 2 1/2 hours away from Mesa and it was snowing. It is so great to be able to have a variety of climates so close.
We had a great weekend with family and friends.
Go Show Low and next year you will get those darn Yellow Jackets.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving started with a fun 10k run. The Turkey Trot. It is fun because you see tons of people from Mesa and you have exercised for the day. I did not beat the turkey since my time was only 10 seconds faster than last year, but still under an hour. Ryan of course did beat the turkey. He ran it in 42:24. Thanks Rachelle for watching the kids while we ran.
Next it was a mad dash home to get ready and make the veggies for dinner at 12:30. I love going to my sister Julie's house. It is fun to get all of the family together, although we did miss Laura, John, Ryan, Mark, Kristin, Kimball, Ella, and Johnny. It is fun to see the cousins play and for the adults to hang out and talk.
Then it was on to the Ricedorffs. It is always a good way to end the day. Uncle Don and family were down from Colorado and it is always good to see them. We are trying to plan a time to go and see them. Someday it will happen.
Overall it was a great Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for. I am truly blessed. Thank you to all of you for making my life great.
Kate and Keelie
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Too sweet
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Race Day
I have started this post a few times. I am not a good writer and I want to say how I feel the right way. So here it goes. I loved the race. I know it sounds crazy that I loved running 13.1 miles. But it is more than that. It is the fact that I have my health and that my body can do it. I really didn't realize what I had done until church on Sunday. In primary we sang the song
"My Heavenly Father Loves Me."
Whenever I hear the song of a bird Or look at the blue, blue sky, Whenever I feel the rain on my face Or the wind as it rushes by, Whenever I touch a velvet rose Or walk by our lilac tree, I’m glad that I live in this beautiful world Heav’nly Father created for me.
The phrase in blue especially hit me because it was raining and a little windy. But it was so beautiful and amazing. We truly live in a beautiful world and I am so grateful I can take advantage of it.
For those of you that have to know I finished the race in 2:14.44. About 10.22 minute miles. I wanted to be done in 2:20 so I am happy with the time. Thank you to Jana who trained with me and ran the race with me. It was great having someone to talk to even though at the end we put our Ipods in and just ran. I could not have done this without her. Thank you to Ryan who was there with the kids cheering me on and giving me some mornings to run. I loved seeing them at the end. Thank you to my parents who waited on Stapley after getting donuts to cheer me on. Although I think it is cruel that my dad was eating a donut while I was running, I am glad they were there.
It was on to the Turkey Trot.
pictures will come later because as you all know I only upload picture once a month and that is at the end of the month.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
half marathon
I know I posted awhile ago that I was going to run a half marathon. Well I finally signed up for it so I guess it is true. The other day when I ran 10 miles I made the comment that I was going to die running 13 only to be informed that I won't because there are aid stations set up to help me. I really hope I can make it. Here is the conformation I am really doing it.
Hello Dyan Ricedorff,
You sent a payment of USD to Run from the Sun.This charge will appear on your credit card statement as payment to PAYPAL *RUNFROMSUN.
You sent a payment of USD to Run from the Sun.This charge will appear on your credit card statement as payment to PAYPAL *RUNFROMSUN.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Halloween 2009
I love Halloween!!!!
The kids all had so much fun on Halloween. I can't get over how much candy we got. I wish we would have been home so I could of handed some out. Kate was so fun trick or treating. She wanted to walk and she would walk from home to home carrying her bucket. She won't talk so she would stick her bucket out get the candy then wave and walk away. It was too cute. Jay had a ball acting like a pirate and Jack is way too cute to be a scary vampire.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I was just informed that I did not post about camping. Well here it is. Back in September my family went camping at Christopher Creek. We go every year and it is a ball. The cousins all play together, catch crawdads and get really dirty. This year we had a flash flood. It is always a hard thing to appreciate rain when you are camping but I guess when you pray for it you take it when you get it. I can't wait till next year.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Girls Cruise
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
We Rock
Friday, October 16, 2009
This year my stake presidency asked us to do three simple things everyday for the rest of our lives.
1. Pray
2. Scripture study
3. Serve someone
One would think this is easy but somedays are better than others. I don't know how many times I have half jokingly made the comment well here it is only 10am and I am already done with my service or I helped two people yesterday doesn't that count for two days.
Today I was reminded of how selfless people truly are. My Uncle Jim has cancer. He has been in the hospital for his second chemo treatment. Today I get a call and the number says "Uncle Jim's Cell." I am thinking "Yes, finally I get to help him out." I have been wanting to do something for them but they always say they are ok. I am not a person who sees the need and then does it. I offer help and hope that the people know I really mean it. Well, Uncle Jim does not need my help. He is calling to find out how to get a hold of my sister who just had her knee replaced and is in the same hospital he is in. He was looking to visit her and see how she was doing. It was a great reminder that even though my Uncle Jim is in need he is still able to help someone else out.
It made me think of all the service I have received and how grateful I am that people have helped me out without thinking of themselves. Thank you to all of you out there that have helped me out in so many ways.
1. Pray
2. Scripture study
3. Serve someone
One would think this is easy but somedays are better than others. I don't know how many times I have half jokingly made the comment well here it is only 10am and I am already done with my service or I helped two people yesterday doesn't that count for two days.
Today I was reminded of how selfless people truly are. My Uncle Jim has cancer. He has been in the hospital for his second chemo treatment. Today I get a call and the number says "Uncle Jim's Cell." I am thinking "Yes, finally I get to help him out." I have been wanting to do something for them but they always say they are ok. I am not a person who sees the need and then does it. I offer help and hope that the people know I really mean it. Well, Uncle Jim does not need my help. He is calling to find out how to get a hold of my sister who just had her knee replaced and is in the same hospital he is in. He was looking to visit her and see how she was doing. It was a great reminder that even though my Uncle Jim is in need he is still able to help someone else out.
It made me think of all the service I have received and how grateful I am that people have helped me out without thinking of themselves. Thank you to all of you out there that have helped me out in so many ways.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Kate is also the sweetest little girl I know. The other night at the football game during the National Anthem she put her hand over her heart. Granted it was the left hand and not the right but it was too cute. She really is a great girl and I am so happy to have her. She is going to give me a run for the money when she gets older. Can I just keep her little forever?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Grand Canyon
Here are some picture. Me and my dad just as we are done. I can't believe we are smiling. Ribbon falls-it is so beautiful and Matt and myself on the bridge crossing the river. Man that bridge was swaying tons. It was a little scary.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Girls night out

The other day I went out to dinner with my high school friends. We had so much fun catching up and hanging out. Even though we are all grown up we can still laugh and have a great time. We hope to continue this tradition and get together at least once a month.
Michelle, Rachelle, Rachel, Debbie, Gina, and Me
Child Labor
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hood to Coast
Ryan's race, he went up to Oregon to run a relay race that started at the top of Mt. Hood and ended at the coast hence the name Hood to Coast. He had fun and their team did well. I think 106 out of 1000 teams. Not bad. Ryan says the best part of the trip was going to Nike Town. Ryan and the team were able to go to the Nike employee store and into the Nike employee complex. Ryan said it was amazing and he was like a kid in a candy store. He would call me and ask what I needed and what the kids needed. Ryan didn't spend too much money but he really had to control himself everything was half off. I told Ryan next year I am going even if wives are not invited like this year. Too bad I want to go to Oregon. 

Monday, September 7, 2009
Tis the season.... football season that is

Are you ready for some football? Some Friday night football. This year will be so much fun to watch Rathen as the starting quarterback and Alexis as a cheerleader. We are lucky that we get to make the trek up to Show Low most weeks to watch the games. When I married Ryan I knew he loved football I just didn't realize how much. I have been able to learn a lot about football, but just when I think I know it all I will listen to Ryan and Randy talk football, I know then that I still have a lot to learn. But I am married for eternity
so I have a long time to learn it all. Will I ever???
This picture was taken by Brookelyn. She does such a great job taking pictures. I am amazed by her talent.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Mt. Humphreys
Since I am hiking the Grand Canyon soon, a few of the people we are going with wanted to hike Mt. Humphreys. I was game so we left one Saturday morning at 5:30 and were on the trail by about 8:45. About five hours later we were done and off to lunch then home. It was a great test to see if I am ready or able to do the Canyon and I felt good. Plus I can now say I have hiked the tallest mountain in Arizona!!!
The banner is actually wrong it is only 12633 feet high not 12663 but since this was the banner at the top that is what we used.
Monday, August 31, 2009
First Day of School
Jack and Jay have started school. Jack is in first grade and he loves it. I think he still loves lunch best but he is learning and growing so much. So far this year he has had two spelling tests and has gotten a 100% on both. Way to go Jack.
Jack's favorites from the first day of school. I have asked him these same questions each first day of school. It is fun to see the changes. Thanks Julie for the idea, totally stole it from you.
Jack's Favorites:
Color: Red
Animal: Great White Shark
Food: Pizza
Best Friend: Jake
Book: Shark books (I think shark week was on Discovery channel when I asked these questions)
Activity: Skateboarding
Toy: baseballs
Movie: Transformers 2
What do you want to be when you grow up? A D-backs
Here is Jay on the first day of school. He goes to preschool 2 days a week with Mrs. Hartman. He is loving it and making new friends. He misses Miss Nancy but he is adjusting.
Jay's favorites:
Color: Green
Animal: Monkey
Food: Cotta (cottage cheese he calls it cotta)
Best Friend: Wilson
Book: Shark books
Activity: Making sugar cookie dough with you (me, Dyan, never make the cookies just eat the dough)
Toy: Transformer
Movie: Jaws
What do you want to be when you grow up? To work for Krazy Sub.
I enjoy doing this activity because it is fun to see how they have changed from year to year.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Last night I told Jay to get his blanket and pillow out of the family room, where he had been playing camping, and put them in his room. He told me he couldn't because he was scared of the "walking fingers." Where did that come from and what are walking fingers? I often wonder where Jay came from.
This is Jay dancing. Gotta love it.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Half Marathon
Anyone interested in a half marathon there is one November 14th. My friend, Jana and I are going to run it. I think it will be better to run with someone. I don't know how Ryan talks me into these things. Maybe if I do this one he will stop bothering me about it. But I doubt it and I really don't mind cause then it keeps me in shape.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rachelle and I made a deal. We would stop drinking soda until we were out of the Grand Canyon. I miss my Mountain Dew. I would drink one maybe two a day and my life was good. Why I made this deal I don't know???? But after I have hiked myself out of the giant hole in the ground the Mountain Dew will be so yummy.
I can't wait, only 45 more days. Maybe by then the headaches will be gone.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Who needs to go outside????
Summer in Mesa is very hot, but I love that my boys don't seem to mind. One day they got bored so they brought the outside toys in. Here is Jack skateboarding and Jay riding his bike. It made me smile and laugh that they thought of doing this. Thank goodness we have tile throughout the house and a good "track" for them to play on.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Time out

I put Jack in time out because he was throwing a fit. Apparently he needed it because he fell asleep. I was worried that he would not be able to sleep at night because he fell asleep at 5:30 but he slept all through the night and woke up at 7 in the morning. He was a lot happier and I might just have to put him in time out more often just because.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
4th of July
I wasn't going to post about the 4th of July because July is almost over but then I remembered I told Alexis that this picture would be put on my blog so she better smile. She didn't smile and hid her face so here is the picture Lexi's face hidden and all.
We had a great time in Show Low. Ryan played softball, we went to a parade and the best part are the fireworks at the school. I love going early and hanging out on the football field. The kids and adults all play and we enjoy the cool weather. Thanks again to Randy and Rebecca for letting us stay at their house and Lexi for giving up her room. I hope to spend every 4th of July up in Show Low.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Lake Powell
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Ryan's post
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