The days after Christmas have been fun. I love that there is no schedule and the weather is good. We try to be outside as much as possible.
The day after Christmas we had a few cousins over. Total kids were 12 and they all had a ball. I love that my kids are getting to know their cousins, even their second cousins.
Easton, Keelie, Jay, Wyatt, Hannah, Kate, Jack, Annie, Jacob, Ty, Rowen and Abby

Kaden got a BB gun for Christmas so Ryan took the boys and Kate and Keelie out shooting. The boys all shot their BB guns and even hit the can a few times. They need a lot more practice though to become sharpshooters. Jay, Kaden, Kate, Keelie and Jack

Jay got all of the NFL team helmets. He will line them all up and have a tournament. The teams will "play" each other until there are only two teams left. The winner of that "game" is the Super Bowl Champion. He does this at least once a day and it's usually the Saints or the Redskins who win. Jay also put the helmets on his ears to become a spy. He was happy and I got a good laugh out of it so I didn't stop him.
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