New Year Eve was great!!! The day started off just hanging out with the kids. Then Ryan and I went to dinner with our friends, Ryan and Laurel Driggs and Craig and Aubrey Halls. We had a blast eating a talking and laughing. Once we picked up the kids and went home we sat on the couch and watched Sports Center Best of the Year. The best not top ten plays, the best top ten plays, the best pictures in sports, and so on. I love the best of on Sports Center. We kept getting texts to go and hang out at the Driggs' fire pit and we did end up there but we had to watch the best of first. So at around 10pm we went to the Driggs' house and hang out around the fire pit, ate smores and laughed. The kids all had fun and even went inside to play just dance. Around midnight we went out front and shot off fireworks. It was a great way to start off 2013. I'm excited to see what 2013 brings and hope it's as good of a year as 2012.
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