Lake Powell
I love Lake Powell. We are fortunate to have great friends, Steve and Angie, who have a houseboat and actually enjoy our company, so we get invited along to Lake Powell. For me, once the grocery shopping is done, it is the most relaxing vacation ever. There is no decision on where to go to dinner, or what activities you want to do. It is all right there on the lake. If you get hot you jump in the lake, if you are bored you jump in the lake. Thank you Steve and Angie you guys are troopers taking a six week old baby to the lake. It was a great time!!!!
Again I asked everyone their favorite parts of the trip and here are the responses.
Ryan: portable fans made sleeping much better. We bought battery powered fans and had them on all night long.
Dyan: Mine is always the same. I love being with my family and making memories. I love that Kate still wants to go swimming at Lake Powell.
Rachelle: jumping off the top of the cliff. She is a little afraid of heights so she was very happy that she jumped, something I didn't do, at least not the highest cliff.
Alexis: don't know the whole thing was fun, thought for a minute more and then said "racing Steve and Jack on the jet ski and the girls won."
Jack: going on the jet ski and jumping off rocks
Jay: climbing sand dunes, jet skis, and jumping off rocks.
Kate: Ummmm, Powell
More highlights, as you can tell I like making lists, it is easier for me to remember things.
-already blogged about it but Lexi climbing the sand hill 10 times
-jet skis for the first time, but not the last
-rainbow in the morning, seen only by Rachelle but she got a great picture (see the bottom collage)
-trying to get Rachelle off the jet ski and finally succeeding when I wasn't even trying.
-having a bat fly around inside of the houseboat one night. Rachelle was on the floor and just laughed at us all sitting up afraid.
-Jay playing ball and hitting the ball off the canyon wall
-going off the slide. Kate loved it and wanted to go again and again.
-I lost my sunglasses and issued a dollar reward for their return. I have yet to see them, I think Lexi is holding out for two dollars.
-Our island in the middle of the lake. We would ride our jet skis over and swim around and we could watch Lexi and Ryan wake board.
-Angie throwing Jack into the the water. It is a tradition that I don't think Jack likes.
-Dyan taking an elbow to the head. Ryan heard Isaac coughing in the middle of the night and thought Kate had fallen into the lake so he jumped up to rescue her and in the mean time elbowed me in the head.
-Jack picking up an ant and being mad that he got bit. When Rachelle asked him what he was going to do with the ant Jack said kill it so we didn't feel too bad for him.
Above pictures just us being silly and hanging out on the houseboat, beach, and lake.

Everyone on the jet skis. I don't know why we haven't rented them before. We all had a ball riding them and I even got over my grandma tendencies in driving them, well a little bit.

Here is the beautiful rainbow Rachelle saw one morning and Ryan and Jack jumping off the cliff. Ryan is doing a back flip and Jack has no fear when it comes to cliff jumping.