Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We Rock

For Ry's birthday I got him tickets to the U2 concert. It was so good. I love U2 and they did not disappoint me. Even The Black Eyed Peas who opened for them were good.
Happy Birthday Ryan I hope to spend many more with you.

Friday, October 16, 2009


This year my stake presidency asked us to do three simple things everyday for the rest of our lives.
1. Pray
2. Scripture study
3. Serve someone
One would think this is easy but somedays are better than others. I don't know how many times I have half jokingly made the comment well here it is only 10am and I am already done with my service or I helped two people yesterday doesn't that count for two days.
Today I was reminded of how selfless people truly are. My Uncle Jim has cancer. He has been in the hospital for his second chemo treatment. Today I get a call and the number says "Uncle Jim's Cell." I am thinking "Yes, finally I get to help him out." I have been wanting to do something for them but they always say they are ok. I am not a person who sees the need and then does it. I offer help and hope that the people know I really mean it. Well, Uncle Jim does not need my help. He is calling to find out how to get a hold of my sister who just had her knee replaced and is in the same hospital he is in. He was looking to visit her and see how she was doing. It was a great reminder that even though my Uncle Jim is in need he is still able to help someone else out.
It made me think of all the service I have received and how grateful I am that people have helped me out without thinking of themselves. Thank you to all of you out there that have helped me out in so many ways.

Monday, October 12, 2009


I love this little girl. This picture cracks me up because she really wasn't crying that hard when I put her down for a nap just fussing a little bit. When I went to check on her this is what I found. I am always amazed at how kids can sleep anywhere and anyhow.
Kate is also the sweetest little girl I know. The other night at the football game during the National Anthem she put her hand over her heart. Granted it was the left hand and not the right but it was too cute. She really is a great girl and I am so happy to have her. She is going to give me a run for the money when she gets older. Can I just keep her little forever?

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I just have to brag. Ryan ran the St. George marathon last week. He finished in 3:12 which means he qualified for the Boston Marathon. Yea, Go Ryan!!! I am so happy for him. He trained hard and it paid off. Now we get to go to Boston.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Grand Canyon

We did it. We hiked the Grand Canyon. Every year I swear I am never going to do it again but enough time has passed and I will be back next year. I love the beauty of the canyon and I love that I have a reason to go to the gym.
Here are some picture. Me and my dad just as we are done. I can't believe we are smiling. Ribbon falls-it is so beautiful and Matt and myself on the bridge crossing the river. Man that bridge was swaying tons. It was a little scary.