Friday, August 13, 2010

Back up and running, and postive blogs

Yea!!! My computer is back up and running!!!!!
I have been thinking lots lately about positive perspectives. I admit it I like to read people's blogs. There are a few that always seem to be upbeat, happy, and just what I needed to read at that time. I love how some people are given lemons and always seem to make lemonade or how they always seem to "come what may and love it."
So here is my positive post. We went to Lake Powell a few weeks ago. I will post about that once I get my pictures uploaded. One day we wanted to hike the sand hill. It was about 100 yards away from the houseboat, too far to swim so we took the jet skis. Well, since it really was so close we didn't feel like we needed life jackets, including Kate. Sure enough you guessed it we turned around and the jet ski kept on turning and we all fell off. I came up fast and thankfully Ryan had Kate. I grabbed her so Ryan could get the jet ski, no he didn't have the key around his wrist. We were fine and all was well but it made me realized how blessed I am. We pray everyday for safety and here is one example about how my prayers are answered. Even when I do knuckle headed things, like not put a life jacket on my baby, my savior cares for me and still blesses me.
I am truly blessed and I am grateful to the many people out there who help me have a positive perspective on things.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad she was okay. Scary for sure! I hope you had a great time can't wait to see the pictures. We are headed there this week too. :)
