Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Temple blessings

I have been thinking lately about how truly blessed I am. This past weekend and then yesterday I got to go to the temple with people who were going through for the first time. On Saturday there was a missionary from my ward going through and on Tuesday Karrie's old roommate, Cheramie, went through. I love going and witnessing what the temple means to others. I love being in the celestial room with people from my ward and family members and thinking to myself this is truly heaven. I want to be with these people forever. I like them. I loved, loved, loved, watching Cheramie be sealed to her husband Cory and then to their little boy. What a true blessing it is to have the sealing power here on earth. I know that if we live the way we are supposed I can have my family with me forever. I take great comfort in that. I am glad I have a temple close by and can go. When I got home last night, Jack was awake and asked "how was it mom." I told him there is no greater place than the temple and I hope he always strives to go there someday to be married. I told him that to be sealed to your wife is the greatest thing he can have. I hope he remembers this and makes it to the temple. I really do "Love to see the Temple" and know I can go inside and take advantage of all the temple has to offer me.


  1. Can I copy that? Thanks for coming. It meant a lot to Cheramie and me both. You are an amazing example of temple worship.

  2. Wish I could have been there - see you Sunday
