Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Jay Jay

Poor Jay he had a bad birthday, he was sick. He has been sick since Thursday and is not really getting better, well a little better. We opened presents, sang Happy Birthday, but no cake or food because Jay is not eating. He has had a horrible case of the flu. In fact we even ended up at the hospital on his birthday. I took him to the doctor and she said get him to the hospital, he is very dehydrated. So off we went only to sit around and have him drink Gatorade. Nothing was done and we took him home. He is getting better and wanting to at least try some food and drink some more. But it has been a rough few days. We will be celebrating his birthday another day.


  1. Bless his sick little heart. I hope he's feeling better. So sorry about your rough day.
    Happy Birthday Rocko!

  2. It stinks spending your birthday home sick! Hope he's feeling better now!
