Monday, March 14, 2011


On Saturday my nephew, Raulin, got baptized. It was great but my mom gave the talk on baptism and reminded me of something that I had forgotten. When Raulin was born, Debbie asked if I would babysit Durham, so I said sure. Well, Jack was three months old and Durham was 18 months old. I decided to take them both to my dad's softball game at Mountain View. As I was driving, both boys started crying and screaming. I was frustrated so I said a little prayer for help. I was expecting the boys to stop crying but they didn't, instead I felt a sense of peace and I knew all would be okay and that I could handle it. I remember thinking after that that the Lord answers all of our prayers just not in the way we always expect. I expected the boys to stop crying instead I got the answer of "Dyan you can handle it, you will be okay." It was such a great answer to my prayer. One I didn't expect but one I got nonetheless and such a great reminder that the Lord knows us and knows what we can handle and how to help us if we just ask. I had forgotten this experience until my mom brought up the circumstances of Raulin's birth. I am grateful for these experiences and I need to remember them so I can learn and grow from them.