Sunday, April 25, 2010


I am trying to teach my children how to act at church but since they are 2, 4, and 7 it doesn't always go over too well. Like today for instance. It is the opening prayer (we only made it that far in reverence) and I am holding Kate and Jay is sitting next to me. Kate's arms are folded and she is being pretty good and I am thinking wow this is great. Next thing I hear though is not the prayer but Kate telling Jay to fold his arms and then seeing that my eyes were opened telling on Jay to me. It was all that I could do not to bust up laughing right there. After the prayer Ryan asked what happened so I told him and he starts to laugh. Needless to say the rest of sacrament meeting was spent trying to keep our kids focused and listening because they had seen their parents not acting right. I did get something out of the meeting though and that is that my bishop and stake president are wonderful men and truly called of God. I am glad that they lead my ward and stake and I will be a better example to my children.

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