Monday, July 15, 2013

Salt Lake City

 Salt Lake City did not disappoint me. It has been a really long time since I have been to Salt Lake City and Temple Square. We went on Sunday morning and were able to see "Music and the Spoken Word." It was the patriotic program and I am so happy we went. Before the program started the conductor introduced the important people who were in the audience. The last people he introduced was a husband and a wife who lost their son in Afghanistan early in the year. After he was done introducing them the entire audience stood up and applauded this couple for their sacrifice. It really made the program special. To see all these people support this couple who we didn't know and appreciate what their son died for. Our freedom. The conductor than commented that this was what the Fourth of July was all about and then the program started.
After "Music and the Spoken Word" we toured the conference center and Temple Square. I think I need to go back without my kids to see all of the stuff I missed.
My family with the Salt Lake Temple in the background. So dang pretty. 
 Touring the Tabernacle and inside the conference center waiting for "Music and the Spoken Word" to start.
All around Temple Square. Kate loved seeing all the temples throughout Utah with the Angel Moroni on the top.


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